Batman: Arkham Origins
Release Date: 25-Oct-2013

Save System: Location based checkpoints.

RPG [  ] Racing (Simulation) [  ] Racing (Arcade) [  ] Puzzle [  ]
Open World [  ] Fighting/Combat [] Action [] Survival [  ]
First Person [  ] Third Person [] Shooter [  ] Horror [  ]
Wrestling [  ] Sports [  ] Stealth [  ] Turn Based [  ]
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Progress: All Main & Side Missions Complete [Normal] Enigma 91%
+ Challenging - This is not a button mash combat game, if you try to do that you won't last a minute. You have to be careful and quick. When you are punching you can't counter the attacks, so you can't mash X. You have to keep in mind the surroundings and then start punching, mere pressing counter buttons when hint appears is not enough. Also like previous entry Arkham City there are different counter buttons/combinations for different attacks.

+ Stealth - This is where you feel bad ass batman. It's easy and goons don't stand a chance. Stealth is completely same as it was before in earlier games.

+ Enigma - Collectible sort of puzzles scattered all over the city, they are quite easier this time. They are also mentioned on the map.

- Frustrating - At times there is nothing you can do, an enemy attacking may not be even on screen. Enemy punches are also faster than yours, so they can start their punch after you press X and still land it first leaving you no chance to counter. Also it's never easy to be as quick as game wants you to be, finishing a fight without receiving a hit is very hard.

- Lot of bugs.

Yes, AO looks and feels like previous two games but it's still fun.
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